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Friday, May 6, 2011

Wildflower Report

Well went down feeling good but the winds didn't cooperate.
Swim-Ok swim, the water was choppy on the way back but nothing spectacular here.
Bike-The winds were rough and saw many people getting blown off their bikes. For me it wasn't worth pushing and risk crashing w/ a family at home. So I took it fairly easy, gripping the bars upright.
Run- Not to motivated after the bike, so just kind of cruised it but ended up passing many people, especially in the end.

Good news is I had good legs all day and could have gone a lot further, I feel the e21 tabs are a big reason my legs never felt bad, even the day after.

Now for the build to IM CDA

Friday, April 1, 2011


The sun is coming and I will finally be off antibiotics on Sunday!!!! Maybe CDA will be great after all. Even with the sinus infection, I kept training but never really felt all that good but now I feel fantastic. Makes a big difference when you are not sick. My only hurdle now is getting my stomach in order after all the antibiotics. Next on the agenda is Wildflower. A couple of years ago I went 4:51 there and would like to repeat a sub 5 hour performance on a real tough course. The last 3 years I have had either an injury or been sick and unable to break 5. This year is revenge!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


It has been raining here all month which makes it difficult to ride the bike. I had 2 descent bricks where I rode 3x(bike 45 min/ run 20 min) but subsequently, I have somehow managed my 3rd sinus infection this year. Back on a different antibiotic now, this is it I swear, let's just pray for sunshine.
On a good note, I did receive my kit from recovery e21 and can't wait to show the tri community how this supplement can truly help. And my wife says she won't miss me now as I ride by.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week that was....

Well all in all a good week. But Saturday's 5 hour bike ride was performed with real dead legs. Don't know why just felt dead. There are going to be days where you just don't have it but I say rather than pack it in, Slug it out!!! You can't quit in a race, so I'm hoping it builds some sort of toughness. Now that it is March, I am having my athletes pay more attention to nutrtion because soon races will be upon us. In an Ironman distance nutrtion can definitely be the downfall in an otherwise descent race. I believe recovery nutrition is crucial and I always eat within 30 min post exercise and have been using E21 recovery which has definitely taken the bite out of the soreness from workouts. I can't wait for the season to finally start!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Getting Stronger

Turned 43 over the weekend and I feel as though I'm starting to become "bullet proof". Put in a great 3 hour run and negative split the 2nd half after taking in a little hammer gel and my trusty e21. I actually cruised away from people w/ a 136 HR. So all in all things are coming together even after a weekend of "gluttany"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm Back !!!

Sorry been away for a while. Training has been going well although I had a little bump w/ a sinous infection then a cough that wouldn't quit. I'm on my second round of antibiotics but it hasn't slowed me down! Had a descent 3 days; Friday rode 60 miles, Sat. Ran 2:30, and Sun rode 4:38 of hills!!! I've been taking along the E21 Recovery product and it seems to keep my cramping at bay along with a little surge it seems.

Today is the Super Bowl and I will have my first drink since Jan. 1. I think 1 beer may put me over the top. I better stick to 1 or clothes may start to fall off and my wife banned all nudity @ parties after we got married!

Anyway feeling like Kona is definitely in the cards again!! And I'm proud of all my athletes that keep plugging away.